Raised garden beds not only look great in your yard, they also help alleviate stress on your body and make gardening more efficient. There are all kinds of raised garden beds, tall and short, large and small.
A great thing about gardening in a raised bed it the fact that you can fill the box with whatever type of soil your plants need to grow. Drainage is not an issue since it is built into the beds and holds the soil in place. You are in control as to the location of your bed for optimal sun exposure, which allows for a longer growing season. Plants can be planted closer together, leaving little room for weeds, which can zap nutrients from your crops or flowers. Raised garden beds put you in control of your crops!
The materials for your raised beds can be made from practically anything, as long as they have the proper drainage and the capacity to contain the soil and plants. Wood, brick, rock, concrete, or interlocking blocks make great retaining walls
Should you use lumber, be sure to use wood that is not preserved with toxins. Growing food in these beds could contaminate your crops. The best type of wood to use is naturally rot resistant cedar or redwood. Wood infused with ACQ, or alkaline copper quaternary, is deemed safe for food growth, but it’s a good idea to line the box with landscaping fabric to prevent any contact with the soil. Use stainless or galvanized bolts or screws to secure the lumber in place.
Raised garden beds are the perfect setting for any garden.